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Role Of Language Quality Assessment in Technical Translations 

It is easier to discuss translation quality by bringing up Language Quality Assessment (LQA). An evaluation of previous translations and feedback review to boost the quality of technical document translation services in the long run. Language Quality Assessment ensures that the translated content is accurate, consistent, error-free, and in line with the client’s guidelines. It includes reviewing and updating language resources to ensure it is appropriate for the audience. 

4 Reasons To Establish A LQA Process in Translations 

There are many reasons a certified translation provider should adopt Language Quality Assessment in their protocol translation. Below are four reasons translation services should establish LQA.

  1. By reviewing real data, a translation service can improve translation quality. 
  2. Highlight both strong and problem areas in the quality assurance plan. 
  3. Establish efficiency by maintaining consistency across any format translation and language texts. 
  4. Hold translation language services accountable for their work by meeting established quality standards. 

Summing Up

Language Quality Assessment plays a crucial role in assessing the quality of translations. By reviewing translated content, technical translation services can establish better quality standards and improve translation quality. 



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